This is a recent story about the analysis done on the pesticide and other compound levels in some of the softdrinks like Pepsi, Coke etc. Ofcourse, the results are shocking indeed. Read the story here:
But this is not a new issue indeed! This was raised a couple of years back too. But the amazing part is that after that issue, the amount of pesticides and the carcinogens found in the samples has increased! Why does this happen so? As usual, the manufacturing association claiming that they comply to the BIS standards, why should such an analysis be presented?
BIS standard seems to have been set a couple of years back to standardize the pesticide levels in the softdrinks. But, the problem is that the BIS standard for softdrinks was finalized only by October last year and even now, it's not announced, though the final standards was formally confirmed by the May, this year.
One reason is that the base water that they use for softdrinks is indeed pesticided, and the cleaning of it to the core is going to just increase their investment on the softdrinks. Here are few more links that would give an idea about BIS:
CSE: Press note on BIS action
Pesticide in Coke/Pepsi
BIS Homepage
As a supporter of Softdrinks myself, felt shocked, rather ashamed to see the recent reports. An action has to be taken from our side, the consumers of soft-drinks to control the mutation of the drinks. The best action is to stop consuming so that the manufacturers realize the importance of hygiene. Hope they come to some compromise between the market/money and public hygiene sometime.
Above all, it seems that the new BIS standard for the soft drinks that has been finalized is in par with the world standards. We do realize the work done by the Union of Health and Family Affairs but its also on our part to take an action, to realize that its responsible for us someday to hold the broom to clean up the parts of our place that are dirty.
Dreaming of a new INDIA!
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